
Friday, January 23, 2009

Man Machine Interface

Obviously, when starting out the topic of what common cybernetic additions are/will be and what they can/will be able to do, I should start with prosthetics's, since they are probably what most people are the most familiar with. These functions aren't really what I want to focus on, but they are worth mentioning. Briefly. But don't get me wrong, I think restoring a once lost bodily function is great, but it's not the focus of this blog.

So here we go. Right now, as mentioned in previous posts, we are scratching the surface of technology to restore lost body parts, mostly limbs and organs, and restoring a couple of human senses, sight and sound. These will come back into discussion, but not as strictly medical devices.L.O.V.E.T.R.O.N.S by ~patrick2006 More like, upgrades, for your body.

So we already know that our limbs can be replaced with robotic ones. So can some organs. Obviously, if we had a fully cybernetic body, we wouldn't need organs. And if all, or most, of our skeleton were replaced with a metallic chassis, and our muscles replaced with powerful servos or hydraulics or pneumatics, then it would be possible to have our robotic limbs capable of exerting much more strength then we could as normal humans. Cool.